Greetings and Happy New Year!
Lots of changes are taking place. Buddhism reminds us that everything is changing. Sometimes it can feel like everything is changing in the wrong direction. Our expectations are not being realized. If, however, we look at change only from my expectations there will be times when the outcome of change is not wanted. When things do not go according to plan we start thinking about how to influence the changes that are coming.
As we consider the changes that are coming we may not think about or appreciate the changes that have brought us to where we are.
On December 31, 2025 I will retire. We arrived as a young family in 1986. Our daughters were in pre-school and beginning elementary school. Mas Doi was president as we were welcomed into the Betsuin Sangha. As we look to the changes that will occur when I retire we feel the changes that have settled us here in San Jose. The everyday, ordinary experiences that are a part of everyone’s life and are unique to each of us. It would be impossible to describe all the experiences that have been a part of our lives but in the end it is the people who have been the most important to us. Friends that we will no longer see on a regular basis.
It will be difficult to leave. When we leave we will move to San Pedro where Kathy grew up. It has been a long time since she lived there. Although we will go to live in her hometown it is a place that is familiar yet a place that has changed. A place where we will have to establish the everyday connections that support everyone’s life. It will be challenging.
This year will also be the year the Betsuin will begin construction of our new Dharma Center. It is a major waypoint on our path to share the Buddhadharma. Above the onaijin is a plaque that reads “Kai Ho Zo”. The words come from Juseige. About two thirds of the way through Juseige there is a line that reads, “Isshu Kai Ho Zo”. These are the words of the Buddhisattva Dharmakara before his teacher the Buddha Lokesvararaja. Dharmakara vows to open the Dharma storehouse for the sake of all beings. With this same aspiration we continue to share the Dharma with an ever growing audience of listeners. Our Vision statement expresses our intent to be a place where everyone is welcomed. A place where anyone can hear the teachings of the Buddha.
We are still in need of everyone’s financial assistance. Join us in this effort. Don’t wait to be asked. Be a part of this effort to share the Dharma with all beings.