Youth Programs
Junior Choir
The Junior Choir is part of the Temple’s Dharma School. To join the Choir, the student must be registered in Dharma School. The minimum age is fourth grade and the student graduates from the Junior Choir with their graduation from high school.
The Choir sings a combination of Buddhist gathas, Japanese cultural songs, and other selections. In addition to performing in several services throughout the school year, the Choir hosts an annual Recital Luncheon and Fundraiser.
Currently, due the pandemic, the Choir is not meeting as indoor singing is considered a highly risk activity.
Reverend Sakamoto hosted a blog during their 2007 trip to Japan.
Junior YBA (Young Buddhist Association)
The Junior YBA is a social and religious organization whose members are high school aged. The group occasionally have events which are open to all age groups. For the Junior YBA, active parent participation is required. Parents assist the students in the administration of their group and act as chaperones during the events. Some events involve travel to other temples, usually within the state, but often outside of the Bay Area. Activities include: volleyball, skiing, socials, volunteering and dances.
If your child is interested, please contact the Betsuin Office at:
The Temple hosts active Boy Scout, Cub Scout, Girl Scout, and Venture Crew organizations. Boys start with Tiger Cubs and can advance through Cub Scouts all the way through Eagle Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts start with Daisy and may advance through their Gold Award as Senior Girl Scouts. Active parent participation is required by all groups.
For more information, please go to the appropriate Organization page (Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts)
The Temple offers a number of college scholarships each year. In addition, several other granting organizations offer their scholarships through the Temple. Current scholarships can be found here.