
A little over 100 years ago, in carving out a new life in a new land, the pioneer Japanese immigrants, the Issei, established our temples as places to hear the teaching of the Nembutsu, to hold the rites of passage in life and as safe havens to gather. They overcame countless hardships in the process, adjust- ing to a new language and new customs, the Depression and prejudice. They struggled to not only establish their families but to ensure that those families, their children and grandchildren would have a safe place where they could gather and feel pride in their heritage by building our Hondo or Buddha Hall.

Over 50 years ago, after returning from the relocation camps, our parents and grandparents built the Annex. The facility provided for the growing Sangha to gather and be with one another and the rest of the community, to have dances, large services and funerals, and sporting events. Today, the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin continues to serve as a gathering place to share the Buddha-dharma.

It is now up to us to continue to ensure that our children and grandchildren will have the same opportunities to encounter the Dharma together in safe and beautiful facilities.

Mission Statement

Be a community of peace, happiness and understanding by sharing and practicing Buddhist teachings.

Vision Statement

We are striving to create an inclusive environment of unconditional acceptance, respect and gratitude where we honor the past, appreciate the present, build for the future, and learn to engage in a life of compassionate action.

Our Ministers

Rinban Gerald Sakamoto
Rinban Gerald Sakamoto
Rinban Sakamoto has been with San Jose Betsuin since 1986. He brings a high level of energy and focus on youth. As a former Eagle Boy Scout, Reverend Sakamoto is very supportive of and active in the Scouting programs at the Temple and at the national level of the BCA. Sakamoto Sensei is also the resident technology advocate and he incorporates many new tools in his work.
Reverend Etsuko Mikame
Reverend Etsuko Mikame
Rev. Mikame joined the ministerial staff of the San Jose Betsuin in August, 2019. She is originally from Oda, Shimane, Japan and has served in several temples in Chiba, Japan. She has an expertise in Buddhist liturgy and is interested in music and education. She is a popular speaker at temples in the US due to her refreshing insights as well as her clear explanation of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism.

Our Minister Assistants

Dennis Akizuki
Dennis AkizukiMinister Assistant
Dennis Akizuki is a life-long member of the Betsuin and has been on the Board for over 20 years. He was the Board President from 2018-19. He has been the “Voice of the San Jose Obon” for over 20 years. He is particularly interested in making the Dharma easier to understand. Professionally, he retired as the the breaking news editor for the Bay Area News Groups at The Mercury News in 2022. Dennis is a graduate from UC Berkeley.
Rev. Michael Jones
Rev. Michael JonesMinister Assistant
Michael Jones has been a member of the San Jose Betsuin for over 30 years. He is a former Board Member and served for 3 years as Board President. Michael is also a former member of the Board of Trustees for the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) and was on the BCA Endowment Foundation Board of Directors. Michael’s education includes an MBA, a BA in Music, and a Certificate in Shin Buddhist Studies from the Institute of Buddhist Studies. He received his Tokudo ordination in Kyoto in December of 2023, and is currently pursuing his Kyoshi ordination.
Sumiye Tanabe
Sumiye TanabeMinister Assistant
Sumiye (Sumi) has been a member of the Betsuin for 60 years. Board Member for 30 years and President 1993-94, 1997. She founded the Sangha Support Committee. She is a member of: Komon (Board Advisors), BWA, ABA, Betsuin Choir. She was a BCA Vice President for 3 terms and a long-time member of the BCA Endowment Foundation. Locally, she was the president of Fuji Tower Board and is the Co-President of the AAUW. She is a graduate of University of San Francisco.

Board of Directors

Steve Onishi
Steve OnishiPresident
David Tsukimura
David TsukimuraVice President
Paul Endo
Paul EndoDirector
Kevin Kitagawa
Kevin KitagawaVice President
Larry Handa
Larry HandaDirector
Masahiko Nishimura
Masahiko NishimuraVice President
Dennis Akizuki
Dennis AkizukiDirector
Joyce Iwasaki
Joyce IwasakiDirector
Janice Doi
Janice DoiDirector
Karen Akimoto
Karen AkimotoDirector
Jacqueline Yamaguchi
Jacqueline YamaguchiDirector
Lisa Tsuchitani
Lisa TsuchitaniDirector
Gloria Yamauchi
Gloria YamauchiDirector

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