Betsuin Board Highlights

San Jose Betsuin Board of Directors Meetings

Thursday June 06, 2019

 submitted by Joyce Iwasaki

Mission Statement

The mission of the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin is to learn and to share the Jodo Shinshu

understanding of the Three Treasures

Buddha, Dharma and Sangha


It was moved/seconded/passed to accept the May Board Meeting Minutes as amended.

It was moved/seconded/passed to accept the Facility Rental Rate revisions and updates presented by the Research and Planning Committee effective immediately.

It was moved/seconded/passed to be a sponsor in the San Jose Japantown Neighborhood Night San Jose Earthquakes Game on July 6th @ Avaya Stadium.

Property Management Report – Steve Onishi

Solar Panels

A committee was formed to study the three solar panel proposals.

Phase II Committee Report – Dennis Akizuki

TreanorHL Report

The historical assessment review is completed and the report was handed to the Phase II Committee. This information will help when we are ready to have a discussion with the City of San Jose.


The Phase II Committee encouraged everyone to complete an online Google survey to help in planning for elements in the Phase II project. The deadline was June 14, 2019. The results will be tabulated and made available to the Sangha.

Ministerial Affairs Committee Report – Janice Doi

The MAC shared a DRAFT Betsuin Minister Compensation data. The Board gave comments and suggestions that will be discussed at the next MAC meeting.

Obon Report – Joyce Iwasaki

Every year, we receive a lot of odori articles people donate to us from their mothers and grandmothers and others. For the last couple of years ~ informal sales have taken place with the funds going to the Generations Project. This year ~ I asked the Obon Committee if this idea can have more traction.  In the proposal, I asked for designated space that can be locked so set up and storage does not have to happen every night. And I asked for this vintage store to be in operation during Obon practices and during Obon.  The Obon Committee was receptive to this idea and are designating two annex classrooms for this project ~ one for storage and the other for the actual store.

If anyone is interested in helping with organizing and setting up shop, please contact me (  And if anyone has time to staff the store, please see me as well.

It has been a long-time tradition that the Betsuin Obon Committee offers help in yukata dressing for both nights of Obon Odori. If you’d need help, we have a great team of dressers and the dressing by appointment eliminates large groups of people in the room at one time.  Appointments sign ups are during Obon practices. Also please feel free to use the room even if you plan on dressing yourselves. This is located in the 6th Street Building.

Special Events Committee Report – Emi Tsutsumi

The Board and DSPO hosted a Dharma School Teachers Appreciation luncheon on Sunday June 9th. The Board and DSPO parents provided food to share. ABA graciously payed for the items from King Eggroll. This expression of appreciation acknowledges the dedicated work of the DS teachers, the Jr Choir Director, the Librarian, and the Padma teacher.

The Betsuin Keiro Kai is set for Sunday September 29, 2019. The first committee meeting is set for Friday, June 28th @ 7:00 in the conference room. Everyone is invited to attend and bring ideas and suggestions.

EcoSangha Written Report  – Al Hironaga

Recycling – The EcoSangha continues to collect gently-used shoes, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) inkjet and laser printer cartridges and white Styrofoam pieces for recycling. Those items can be deposited in recycling boxes located in the Betsuin office, in the annex lobby or in the large gray wooden box with the EcoSangha logo in front of Lotus Preschool.

Household Hazardous Waste – If you live in Santa Clara County and want to get rid of household hazardous waste such as depleted batteries, fluorescent bulbs, motor oil, paint, household cleaners or garden chemicals you can make an appointment to turn in your household hazardous waste at one of the free drop-off locations by making an appointment through the website at

Meeting – The EcoSangha will not be meeting over the Summer months. The next EcoSangha meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15 at 7:00 PM in the Betsuin conference room.

Garden Committee Written Report – Al Hironaga

Volunteers in the Garden – Thank you to Shelly Hatakeyama, Sus and Sadako Ikeda, and the Troop 611 Boy Scouts for help in maintaining the Betsuin gardens. Shelly and the Boy Scouts weeded and cleaned up the Fourth Street properties, while Sus and Sadako Ikeda weeded the garden in front of the office and Nokotsudo. On Saturday, June22, the Betsuin Bonsai Club will be trimming the shrubs and trees in the Betsuin gardens. Thanks to these volunteers the Betsuin property will look great in time for our annual Obon festival.

San Jose Earthquakes Japantown Night – July 6th – Janice Doi

The San Jose Earthquakes offer neighborhood nights and scheduled a Japantown Neighborhood Night for July 6th. This could be a fun activity for our Sangha as well as an easy way of fundraising.  Other Japantown groups are participating. If people want to designate the Betsuin as the benefactor, the ticket buyer must state the funds go to the Betsuin when ordering tickets.  Then $5 of the $30 ticket will go to the Betsuin. Please go to to order tickets.

Coast District Council / BCA Report – Dennis Akizuki


The BCA National Board Meeting was held @ the Jodo Shinshu Center on June 2nd. Dennis Akizuki attended as the CDC president.

There was a timely security presentation with an emphasis that all temples should have a security plan in place. Florin Buddhist Temple had an assessment done at no charge. We are asking for the Florin Temple to share that document with us. Other temples that brought information on this matter were Vista and Orange County Buddhist Church.  Ed Nodohara is working on a security handbook for the Betsuin and hopes it will be ready for distribution in September.

BCA Selection of the Next Bishop

All nominations were submitted and the nominations process is closed. The Selection Committee is comprised of 16 members who is set to meet on September 27th.  The candidates must receive a minimum of 12 votes in order to be proclaimed as the bishop.