Betsuin Board Highlights

San Jose Betsuin Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday October 03, 2019

 submitted by Joyce Iwasaki


Mission Statement


The mission of the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin is to learn and to share the Jodo Shinshu understanding of the Three Treasures

     Buddha, Dharma and Sangha



  • A motion was moved/seconded/passed to accept the September 2019 board meeting minutes as corrected.
  • A motion was moved/seconded/passed to accept the proposal to establish an Aloha Club sponsored by the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin.
  • A motion was moved/seconded/passed to accept the Japantown Community Congress of San Jose’s proposal for the use of the kitchen and gym for the JCCsj Bonen Kai on December 27, 2019 for seven hours with an approval to waiver the rental fees.



A letter from the BCA Bishop was received encouraging all new BCA ministers attend a seminar at the Jodo Shinshu Center sponsored by the International Ministers Overseas Program on October 30 – 31, 2019 at the cost of $50.00. Rev Mikame will attend. The Betsuin Budget will cover the fee.


Guest and Presentation

Guest Kathy Sakamoto presented a proposal to establish a Betsuin Aloha Club to further promote the aloha spirit through friendship and activities.


Minister Report – Rinban Sakamoto

  • Bishop Selection

The BCA Selection Committee was unable to confirm a candidate to the Office of Bishop.

The Gicho has instructed all Kyokucho to request nominations from district ministers. Nominees can include previously candidates. Up to three names may be submitted.  Each candidate must have simple majority vote of the district ministers.

Nominees name will then be submitted to the Gicho by October 26. Nominees who agree to stand as a candidate for the Office of Bishop will submit to Gicho a “platform”    statement by November 9. BCA Ministers Association will receive name of nominees and “platforms” by November 11. BCA Selection Committee will meet candidates on December 5.

With this compressed schedule, BCA Ministers Association will probably not convene to discuss nominees.

  • Minister Assistants

The work with the MAs continues. Focus is to continue to deepen the awareness and appreciation of the religious life of the temple. Rev. Mikame is an important part of this   process. She brings her experience and appreciation of life, growing up in a rural temple and training at the Hongwanji.

  • Programs

      The newly-formed Japanese Language School supervising group met on Saturday, October 5. The group will include Temple representatives, a teacher representative and  a parent representative.

Study Class continues with a look at the letters of Eshinni beginning in November.


Special Events Committee Report – Emi Tsutsumi and Joyce Iwasaki

  • San Jose Betsuin Keiro Kai Roundup Event – Sunday September 29, 2019

Joyce expressed appreciation to the Keiro Kai Event Committee, to the Board of Directors,  to the youth helpers, to the photo booth team, to the sangha people with special talents who                added special touches such as Arthur Shinagawa for constructing the elaborate sets for the photo booth, Louise Hayamizu for creating the honorees bolo ties, Carol Yuki for making all of the treats for the honoree gifts, to George Uyeda and Yosh Sato for the entertainment, to the Sangha bakers for baking the dessert, to the Board families who came out to help with      set up and clean up. Joyce especially thanked all the honorees for attending.

  • Welcome Reception for Reverend Etsuko Mikame – Sunday October 27, 2019 from 11:30 to 1:00

Plans are underway for this event where light refreshments will be served in an informal setting.  There will be five food stations: A cholate fountain, a tea sandwich station, an omusubi and ochazuke station, a beverage station and an ice cream station.  Organizations are asked to provide food items, to provide set up and clean up duties, to staff the kitchen for plating and replenishes food.  Emi will contact these organizations with details.