
I often find myself at a restaurant for the first time and not knowing what to order. What do you do


Three Poisons

Greed, anger, foolishness these are the three poisons. The Three Poisons keep us cycling through Samsara, constantly causing us to bring

Three Poisons2024-07-23T07:59:49-07:00

A Satisfying Drink

The taste of coffee differs greatly depending on the way it is brewed.  According to a coffee expert, the slightest effort

A Satisfying Drink2024-07-23T07:59:49-07:00

Broken Tiles

There is a discussion in my email regarding the repair of the Hondo roof. There are several tiles that are either

Broken Tiles2024-07-23T07:59:49-07:00

What does the Pure Land mean to Us?

In September, there is a special Buddhist service called "Ohigan." ”O” is honorific word in Japanese. "Higan" literally means "the other

What does the Pure Land mean to Us?2024-07-23T07:59:49-07:00


I started writing this article from a tire shop in Arcata. This is the second year we have been invited to

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